This week’s rant…pigeonholing….


here the dictionary definition…

A polymath (Greek polymathÄ“s, salve πολυμαθής, meaning “knowing, understanding, or having learnt in quantity,” compounded from πολυ- “much, many,” and the root μαθ-, meaning “learning, understanding”[1]) is a person well educated in a wide variety of subjects or fields.[2] Polymaths are also described as persons with encyclopaedic or broad or varied knowledge or learning [3].

So when some twat with a M.A. in a very small specialist area …say Indian Textiles and Dodecahedrons in Southern Spanish Art 1290-1329…says you have to specialise point them towards one or more of the following….

David Lynch

Butch Hancock

Terry Allen

John Byrne

Alistair Gray


Scottish Generalists

Patrick Geddes

I could add more….usually never English by the way

Then tell them to **** *** very politely

I do everything because everything is interesting….

England is full of specialists which why when you say I write songs, paint, write poetry, review music they go glassy eyed…..You cannot be serious because you are not an academic specialist…

Well I met a specialist in angels recently and his grip on reality a lot less sound than mine but there academic privileges to hold on to..ditto 50% of Oxford Dons….I once met one who showed me photos of builders he’d taken because he’d never seen one before…….world expert on rare apples….says it all really…